


在awesomeWM上设置壁纸是一件很麻烦的事情,我需要修改 rc.lua 中的代码,然后再restart awesomeWM才能设置新的壁纸。

不过最近发现原来通过 feh 就能够快速设置壁纸了。方法为

feh --bg-scale /path/to/wallpaper.png

通过 feh --help 查看feh帮助就会发现它还支持不同的布局方式:

bg-center FILE Set FILE as centered desktop background
bg-fill FILE Like --bg-scale, but preserves aspect ratio by zooming the image until it fits. May cut off corners
bg-max FILE Like --bg-fill, but scale the image to the maximum size that fits the screen with black borders on one side
bg-scale FILE Set FILE as scaled desktop background. This will fill the whole background, but the images' aspect ratio may not be preserved
bg-tile FILE Set FILE as tiled desktop background