





you-get --help
usage: you-get [OPTION]... URL...

A tiny downloader that scrapes the web

optional arguments:
  -V, --version         Print version and exit
  -h, --help            Print this help message and exit

Dry-run options:
  (no actual downloading)

  -i, --info            Print extracted information
  -u, --url             Print extracted information with URLs
  --json                Print extracted URLs in JSON format

Download options:
  -n, --no-merge        Do not merge video parts
  --no-caption          Do not download captions (subtitles, lyrics, danmaku,
  -f, --force           Force overwriting existing files
  -F STREAM_ID, --format STREAM_ID
                        Set video format to STREAM_ID
  -O FILE, --output-filename FILE
                        Set output filename
  -o DIR, --output-dir DIR
                        Set output directory
  -p PLAYER, --player PLAYER
                        Stream extracted URL to a PLAYER
                        Load cookies.txt or cookies.sqlite
  -t SECONDS, --timeout SECONDS
                        Set socket timeout
  -d, --debug           Show traceback and other debug info
  -I FILE, --input-file FILE
                        Read non-playlist URLs from FILE
  -P PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Set video visit password to PASSWORD
  -l, --playlist        Prefer to download a playlist
  -a, --auto-rename     Auto rename same name different files

Proxy options:
  -x HOST:PORT, --http-proxy HOST:PORT
                        Use an HTTP proxy for downloading
  -y HOST:PORT, --extractor-proxy HOST:PORT
                        Use an HTTP proxy for extracting only
  --no-proxy            Never use a proxy
  -s HOST:PORT, --socks-proxy HOST:PORT
                        Use an SOCKS5 proxy for downloading

通过浏览它的参数可以看到它有一个 -p PLAYER 参数,能够调用第三方的播放器来直接播放网页上的视频。


(defvar play-this-video-player "mpv --autofit=100%"
  "mplayer used to play the video")

(defun play-this-video ()
  (let ((url (or w3m-current-url
                 (error "only w3m and eww supported")))
        (player play-this-video-player))
    (shell-command (format "you-get %s -p '%s' &" url player))))

将其中 play-this-video-player 变量设定自己喜欢的第三方播放器及其播放参数。该变量的值会被传入命令行中作为 you-get-p 的参数值。

然后在w3m或eww中浏览视频网页后,只需要执行 M-x play-this-video 就能播放该网页上的视频了
