


flyspell 可以为我们提供实时的命令拼写检查。但是Emacs的各种major-mode都有各自的语法规则,flyspell 可能会错误地把语法关键字当成是单词进行检测,这时就需要我们告诉 flyspell 哪些内容是需要检查的,那些内容是不需要检查的。

通过阅读 flyspell 的源代码,可以看出它是通过 flyspell-generic-check-word-predicate 来判断是否需要对单词进行拼写检查的。这个变量的 doc-string 是这样描述的

  Automatically becomes buffer-local when set.
  This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

Function providing per-mode customization over which words are flyspelled.
Returns t to continue checking, nil otherwise.
Flyspell mode sets this variable to whatever is the ‘flyspell-mode-predicate’
property of the major mode name.

从中可以看出,我们只需要为写好一个判断函数,判断当前位置的单词是否需要进行拼写检查,然后将这个判断函数设置为某个 major-modeflyspell-mode-predicate 就行了。

这里有个诀窍,判断函数一般可以通过text-property的face来判断是否需要进行拼写检查。 比如 flyspell-prog-mode 就是通过text-property的face来判断哪些内容是属于字符串或注释的,像下面这样:

(defvar flyspell-prog-text-faces
  '(font-lock-string-face font-lock-comment-face font-lock-doc-face)
  "Faces corresponding to text in programming-mode buffers.")

(defun flyspell-generic-progmode-verify ()
  "Used for `flyspell-generic-check-word-predicate' in programming modes."
  ;; (point) is next char after the word. Must check one char before.
  (let ((f (get-text-property (- (point) 1) 'face)))
    (memq f flyspell-prog-text-faces)))

(defun flyspell-prog-mode ()
  "Turn on `flyspell-mode' for comments and strings."
  (setq flyspell-generic-check-word-predicate
  (setq-local flyspell--prev-meta-tab-binding
              (or (local-key-binding "\M-\t" t)
                  (global-key-binding "\M-\t" t)))
  (flyspell-mode 1)
  (run-hooks 'flyspell-prog-mode-hook))

类似的,我们也可以为其他 major-mode 定义哪些内容需要进行单词拼写检测。比如下面的代码可以忽略对 outline 大纲标题的单词拼写

(defvar flyspell-outline-ignore-faces
  '(outline-1 outline-2 outline-3 outline-4 outline-5 outline-5 outline-7 outline-8)
  "Faces corresponding to text in outline-mode buffers.")

(defun flyspell-outline-verify ()
  "Used for `flyspell-generic-check-word-predicate' in outline modes."
  ;; (point) is next char after the word. Must check one char before.
  (let ((f (get-text-property (- (point) 1) 'face)))
    (not (memq f flyspell-outline-ignore-faces))))

(put 'outline-mode 'flyspell-mode-predicate 'web-mode-flyspell-verify)