


今天发现一个 CUPS-PDF 项目,可以为 CUPS(Common Unix Printing System) 添加 PDF 打印机.


  1. 安装 CPUS-PDF

    sudo apt install -y cups-pdf
  2. 根据 CPUS-PDF的文档说明, 需要设置 cups-pdf 的所有者为 root,且权限为 0700

    sudo chown root:root /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf
    sudo chmod 0700 /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf
  3. 重启CUPS服务

    sudo systemctl restart cups.service
  4. 可以通过修改 /etc/cups/cups-pdf.confOUT 参数来设置pdf的输出位置

    ### Key: Out (config)                                                        
    ##  CUPS-PDF output directory                                                
    ##  special qualifiers:                                                      
    ##     ${HOME} will be expanded to the user's home directory                 
    ##     ${USER} will be expanded to the user name                             
    ##  in case it is an NFS export make sure it is exported without             
    ##  root_squash!                                                             
    ##  on Ubuntu, the cupsd AppArmor profile needs to be updated                
    ##  to match the output path as per instructions in LP:147551                
    ### Default: /var/spool/cups-pdf/${USER}                                     
    Out ${HOME}/PDF                                                              
  5. 然后在CUPS的admin页面中就能看到一个PDF打印机了


    或者用 lpstat 来查看:

    lpstat -p -d
    printer PDF is idle.  enabled since Sat 11 Apr 2020 09:52:10 PM HKT
    system default destination: PDF
  6. 使用 lpr 打印一个文件试试

    lp ~/dead.letter
    request id is PDF-5 (1 file(s))
    ls ~/PDF
  7. 最后要注意的是,根据 README 的说明,客户端选择打印机时,供应商应该选择 Postscript, model选择 Color Printer