

运行compile之前都要确认是否保存未保存的buffer,以及没有为compile分配一个默认的快捷键,这两个设定简直让人无语. 下面这段代码能够修正这两个问题,并且还能使得编译窗口遵照预定的大小显示,同时光标还会随着输出的增加而下移.

;; This gives a regular `compile-command' prompt.
(define-key prog-mode-map [C-f9] #'compile)
;; This just compiles immediately.
(define-key prog-mode-map [f9]

;; I'm not scared of saving everything.
(setq compilation-ask-about-save nil)
;; Stop on the first error.
(setq compilation-scroll-output 'next-error)
;; Don't stop on info or warnings.
(setq compilation-skip-threshold 2)

(defcustom endless/compile-window-size 105
  "Width given to the non-compilation window."
  :type 'integer
  :group 'endless)

(defun endless/compile-please (comint)
  "Compile without confirmation.
With a prefix argument, use comint-mode."
  (interactive "P")
  ;; Do the command without a prompt.
    (compile (eval compile-command) (and comint t)))
  ;; Create a compile window of the desired width.
  (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer "*compilation*"))
   (- (frame-width)

1 Update 16 Jun 2015

感谢Clément及abo-abo的宝贵意见:他们都告诉我有个叫 compilation-skip-threshold 的变量. 通常情况下Warnings也是需要修复的,但是再某些语言中,很可能你根本无法修复那些warning, 因此编译窗口最好不要因为出现warnning就停止滚动.

2 Update 17 Jun 2016

修改 endless/compile-please 为会传递prefix参数到 compile 函数, 这样若使用prefix参数调用该函数,则会再comint-mode下编译(这样你可以与编译buffer进行交互了). 详情请参见这篇博文 的UPDATE部分.